Gospel of Mark

Verse-by-Verse Commentaries:

C. E. B. Cranfield, The Gospel According to Saint Mark, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1959. ***
David E. Garland, Mark (NIV Application Commentary), Zondervan, 1996.
Robert H. Gundry, Mark: A Commentary on His Apology for the Cross, Eerdmans, 1993. ***

Morna D. Hooker, The Gospel According to St. Mark (Black's), Hendrickson, 1993. ***1/2
Bastiaan M. F. van Iersel, Reading Mark, T & T Clark, 1997. ****
_______ Mark: A Reader-Response Commentary (JSNT Supplement Series, 164), Sheffield, 1999.****
William L. Lane
, The Gospel of Mark (NICNT), Eerdmans, 1974. ****1/2
John Painter,
Mark's Gospel: Worlds in Conflict, Routledge, 1997. ****

Monographs, Compilations, and Studies:

Austin M. Farrar, A Study in Saint Mark, Westminster, 1951.****
Robert M. Fowler, Let the Reader Understand: Reader-Response Criticism and the Gospel of Mark, Trinity Press, 1991.
Jerry Camery-Hoggatt, Irony in Mark's Gospel: Text and Subtext, Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Jack Dean Kingsbury, The Christology of Mark's Gospel, Fortress, 1983. ***1/2
________ Conflict in Mark
, Fortress, 1990. ***
Elizabeth S. Malbon, Narrative Space and Mythic Meaning in Mark , London: JSOT Press, 1991.****
________ In the Company of Jesus: Characters in Mark's Gospel, Westminster John Knox, 2000.
Joel Marcus, The Way of the Lord: Christological Interpretation of the Old Testament in Mark, T & T Clark, 1999.

Ulrich Mauser, Christ in the Wilderness: The Wilderness Theme in the Second Gospel and its Basis in the Biblical Tradition
____ (Studies in Biblical Theology, 39), Alec R. Allenson Inc, 1963.****
David M. Rhoads and Donald M. Michie, Mark As Story: An Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel, Fortress, 1982. ****
Stephen H. Smith, A Lion with Wings: A Narrative-Critical Approach to Mark's Gospel, Sheffield Academic, 1997.****

Ned B. Stonehouse
, The Witness of Matthew and Mark to Christ, Eerdmans, 1958.
Ricky E. Watts, Isaiah’s New Exodus in Mark, Baker, 2000.****

Articles and Essays:

James T. Dennison Jr., "The Gospel of Mark from Beginning to End," Kerux 9 (Dec 1994): 3-10.
________ "The Unnamed Woman and Jesus,"
Kerux 10 (Sept 1995): 41-47.
Peter F. Ellis, "Patterns and Structures of Mark's Gospel" in
Biblical Studies in Contemporary Thought [ed. Miriam Ward],
____ Trinity College Biblical Institute, 1975: 88-103.
Elizabeth S. Malbon, "The Beginning of a Narrative Commentary on the Gospel of Mark" in
Society of Biblical Literature:
____1996 Seminar Papers [ed. E. Lovering, Jr.], SBL, 1997.****
________ "The Christology of Mark's Gospel" in
Who Do You Say that I Am? Essays in Christology [ed. M. A. Powell and
____D. R. Bauer], Westminster John Knox, 1999
M. Philip Scott, "Chiastic Structure: A Key to the Interpretation of Mark's Gsopel,"
Biblical Theology Bulletin 15 (1985): 17-26.
Geoffrey Smith, "A Closer Look At The Widow’s Offering: Mark 12:41-44," JETS 40 (1997): 27-36.
Geerhardus Vos, "Christ's Deliberate Work (Mark 10:45)" in Grace and Glory, Banner of Truth, 1994: 242-256.

Further Reading:


Craig A. Evans, Mark 8:27-16:20 (Word, 34B), Word Books, 2000.
Robert A. Guelich, Mark 1-8:26 (Word), Nelson-Word, 1989.
Pheme Perkins, "The Gospel of Mark" in New Interpreter's Bible, Abingdon, 1995.
Eduard Schweizer, The Good News According to Mark, Westminster John Knox, 1970.


Ernest Best, The Temptation & the Passion: The Markan Soteriology, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
________ Mark: The Gospel as Story, T & T Clark, 1989.
Following Jesus: Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark (JSNT Supplement Series), Cornell University Press, 1982.
Edwin K. Broadhead, Prophet, Son, Messiah: Narrative Form and Function in Mark 14-16, JSOT Press, 1994.
Teaching With Authority: Miracles & Christology in the Gospel of Mark, Sheffield, 1992.
________ Naming Jesus: Titular Christology in the Gospel of Mark, Sheffield, 1999.
Sharyn Dowd, Reading Mark : A Literary And Theological Commentary On The Second Gospel (Reading The New Testament Series),
____Smyth & Helwys, 2000.
Christopher F. Evans, The Beginning of the Gospel: Four Lectures on St. Mark's Gospel , SPCK, 1968.
John L. Hill, Outline Studies in Mark, Cokesbury Press, 1955.
Morna D. Hooker, Son of Man in Mark, SPCK, 1967.***1/2
Howard Clark Kee, Community of the New Age: Studies in Mark's Gospel, Mercer University Press, 1983.
Scaria Kuthirakkattel, The Beginning of Jesus' Ministry According to Mark's Gospel (1, 14-3, 6): A Redaction Critical Study (Analecta Biblica),
_____Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 1990.
Ralph P. Martin, Mark: Evangelist and Theologian, Zondervan, 1986. ***
Innocent Uhuegbu Olekamma, The Healing of Blind Bartimaeus (Mk 10,46-52) in the Markan Context: Two Ways of Asking (Europäische
_____Hochschulschriften, Reihe 23: Theologie, 672), Peter Lang, 1999.
Robert S. Reid,
Preaching Mark, Chalice Press, 1999.
Tom Shepherd,
Markan Sandwich Stories (Andrews University Seminary Doctoral Dissertation Series, 18), Andrews University Press,
Jesper Svartvik, Mark And Mission: Mk 7:1-23 In Its Narrative And Historical Contexts (Coniectanea Biblica: New Testament Series, 32),
____Almqvist & Wiksell, 2000.
Joel F. Williams, Other Followers of Jesus
: Minor Characters as Major Figures in Mark's Gospel (JSNT Supplement Series, 102)
____Sheffield Academic, 1994.***


T. E. Boomershine and G. L. Bartholomew, "The Narrative Technique of Mark 16:8," JBL 100 (1981): 213-223.
Ardel B. Caneday, "He Wrote in Parables and Riddles: Mark's Gospel as a Literary Reproduction of Jesus' Teaching Method," Didaskalia 10
____(1999): 35-67.
R. Alan Culpepper, "Mark 10:50: Why Mention the Garment?" JBL 101 (1982): 131-132.
Frederick W. Danker, "The Literary Unity of Mark 14:1-25," JBL 85 (1966): 467-472.
Joanna Dewey, "The Literary Structure of the Controversy Stories in Mark 2:1-3:6." JBL 92 (1973): 394-401.
J. D. G. Dunn, "The Messianic Secret in Mark," Tyndale Bulletin 21 (1970): 92-117.
James R. Edwards, "The Baptism of Jesus According to the Gospel of Mark," JETS 34 (1991): 43-57.
B. Dale Ellenburg, "A Review of Selected Narrative-Critical Conventions in Mark's Use of Miracle Material," JETS 38 (1995): 171-180.
James Hanson, "The Disciples in Mark's Gospel: Beyond the Pastoral/Polemical Debate," Horizons in Biblical Theology 20 (1998): 128-155.
David J. Hawkin, "The Incomprehension of the Disciples in the Marcan Redaction," JBL 91 (1972): 491-500.
Andrew T. Lincoln, "The Promise and the Failure: Mark 16:7,8," JBL 108 (1989): 283-300.
Elizabeth Struthers Malbon, "The Jesus of Mark and the Sea of Galilee," JBL 103 (1984): 363-377.
________ "The Jewish Leaders in the Gospel of Mark: A Literary Study of Marcan Characterization," JBL 108 (1989): 259-281.
Joel Marcus, "Mark 4:10-12 and Marcan Epistemology," JBL 103 (1984): 557-574.
Foster R. McCurley Jr., " 'And After Six Days' (Mark 9:2): A Semitic Literary Device," JBL 93 (1974): 67-81.
Richard T. Mead, "The Healing of the Paralytic: A Unit?" JBL 80 (1961): 348-354.
Eduard Schweizer, "The Son of Man," JBL 79 (1960): 119-129.
Robin Scroggs and Kent I. Groff, "Baptism in Mark: Dying and Rising with Christ," JBL 92 (1973): 531-548.
Philip Sellew, "Composition of Didactic Scenes in Mark's Gospel," JBL 108 (1989): 613-634.
Charles W. F. Smith, "No Time For Figs," JBL 79 (1960): 315-327.
Joel F. Williams, "Literary Approaches to the End of Mark's Gospel," JETS 42 (1999): 21-35.


Peter Bolt, " '...With a View to the Forgiveness of Sins': Jesus and Forgiveness in Mark's Gospel," Reformed Theological Review 57 (1998): 53-69.
Paul Danove, "The Narrative Rhetoric of Mark's Ambiguous Characterization of the Disciples," JSNT 70 (1998): 21-38.
Narry F. Santos, "The Paradox of Authority and Servanthood in the Gospel of Mark," Bibliotheca Sacra 154 (1997): 452-460.
Ethel E. Wallis, "Mark's Goal-Oriented Plot Structure," Journal of Translation and Textlinguistics 10 (1998): 30-46.

Pieter J. J. Botha, "Mark's Story of Jesus and the Search for Virtue" in The Rhetorical Analysis of Scripture (ed. S. E. Porter, et al), 1997: 156-184.

Keith D. Dyer, The Prophecy on the Mount: Mark 13 and the Gathering of the New Community (International Theological Studies, Contributions
____of Baptist Scholars, 2), Peter Lang, 1998.

Vernon K. Robbins and David B. Gowler (eds.), New Boundaries in Old Territory: Form and Social Rhetoric in Mark (Emory Studies
____in Early Christianity, 3), Peter Lang, 1994.