Hearing It Preached

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Redemptive Historical Sermons



2003 "It's All Greek to Me" Men's Conference on Biblical Hermeneutics
Held July 18-19 at Trinity URC, Caledonia, MI.
To order tapes: http://trinityurc.net
Online Sermons at Trinty URC: http://trinityurc.net/sermons.htm

Rev. Jim Dennison
“The Song of Solomon and Redemptive History”
Dr. Bill Dennison
“Genesis 1:1 – Paradigm for Interpreting the Bible”
July 18 (Friday Night) Q&A Session
Dr. Bill Dennison
“Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, Augustine’s Enoch and the Bible’s Enoch”
July 19 (Saturday Morning) Q&A Session
Rev. Jim Dennison
“The Eagle and the Lamb: Eschatology, Soteriology, Christology in the Fourth Gospel”
Rev. Jim Dennison
Sermon on John 18:1-12, “Jesus Under Arrest”
Rev. Jim Dennison
Lecture on the Nicene Creed
Dr. Bill Dennison
Sermon on Exodus 14:10-31, “Exodus: What For?”


2001 Kerux Conference on Biblical Theology
Held August 28-31 in Lynnwood, Washington
(For audio tapes, see
James T. Dennison, Jr. What is the "Critical" Reading of the Bible?
Robert Van Kooten Biblical Theology and Philippians
Rick Quinn The Third Search for the Historical Jesus
Lee Irons Leviticus
Young Kim Habakkuk
Larry Semel The Church as a Colony of Heaven
Tim Lim The Book of Judges
Don Collett Biblical Theology and Luke
Andy Elam Biblical Theology and Zephaniah
James Lee Biblical Theology and 2 Corinthians
Robert Broline The Life of Abraham
Lane Tipton Biblical Theology & Apologetics
Jeff Jue Millennial Geneology
Gary Findley Bridges or Ladders?
Richard Gaffin Ordo Salutis and Historia Salutis I
Richard Gaffin Ordo Salutis and Historia Salutis II
Peter Vosteen Preaching from Luke:
"Not Peace, But Division"
(Luke 12:49-53)
Randy Bergquist Preaching from 2 Samuel:
"Ishbosheth and David"
David Klein Preaching from Mark:
"The Widow's Mite"
(Mark 12:41-44)
James T. Dennison, Jr. Preaching from John:
"Darkness and Light"
(John 9)


Lane Tipton Lectures on the Covenant of Works
2000 Reformation Weekend Series, Grace OPC, Sewickley PA

Email Tim Smolko to obtain these lectures on cassette.

Lane Tipton
  1. Eschatological Focus (Vos)
  2. Judicial Foundations (Kline)
  3. Implications for Human Knowledge (Van Til)


1999 KERUX Biblical Theology Conference

Here is the 20 lectures/sermons from the conference in Westminster, California. You may listen to the following online lectures free, however, Kerux requires $2 for each that you record for your own use (or $20 for the whole set). To receive the entire series on tapes, please send a check for $40 to: Sorry, SOLD OUT

1131 Whispering Highlands Dr.,
Escondido, CA 92027



James T. Dennison Geerhardus Vos: A Life Between Two Worlds
* Lectures on Vos's Inaugural Address  *
Yong Kim Biblical Theology and Hebrews 11
Lee Irons Biblical Theology and the Book of Revelation  *  HANDOUT  *
Misty Irons The View from the Manse
James T. Dennison Jesus and Lazarus (John 11) (Sermon)
William Dennison Biblical Theology and the Enlightenment
Robert Van Kooten Biblical Theology and the Gospel of Mark  *  OUTLINE  *  BOOK SOURCES  * 
William Baldwin Biblical Theology and Counselling
James Gidley Biblical Theology and the Session
David Inks Biblical Theology and the Pastorate (1 Kings 16:29-17:7) (Sermon)
Randy Bergquist Biblical Theology and Church Planting
James Lee Biblical Theology and the Book of Exodus
Scott Sanborn Biblical Theology and the Reformed Tradition
Diane Garcia The View from the Pew
James Lee The Priest's Garments (Exodus 29:1-9) (Sermon)
Danny Olinger The Writings of Geerhardus Vos
Jack Smith Biblical Theology and the Life of Paul
Doug Clawson Biblical Theology and the Question of Application
Robert Starke Biblical Theology and the Wisdom Literature
Jack Smith Paul and the Church (2 Corinthians 11:16-12:10) (Sermon)


(1995) Rev. Jim Dennison Lectures on Vos's Inaugural Address
Emmanuel OPC, Renton, WA

Email EmmanuelOPC@aol.com to obtain lectures on cassette.

James T. Dennison * 1995 Lectures on Vos's Inaugural Address [pt 1][pt 2][pt 3][pt 4  O] *


Lee Irons


Name of Sermon


Rev 1:5a

The Prologue, Part II In the prologue of Revelation, John takes the traditional Pauline salutation and transforms it to encourage the Christians of Asia Minor that they are, and must therefore be, faithful witnesses of Christ, who is the Faithful Witness. Faithful witness-bearing is defined in Revelation as living out of our union with Christ in his death and resurrection, that is, by following the Lamb withersoever he goes -- the cross first, and then the glory.


Rev. Charles G. Dennison, GRACE OPC; Sewickley, PA
Series Number of Sermons Date Begin Date End
Genesis 1-4 46 9/91 5/93
I Samuel 1-7 37 1/97 3/98
Micah 4-5 9 12/90 2/91
Habakkuk 27 1/95 11/95
Matthew 2:13-23 9 12/95 3/96
John 20 11 3/96 6/96
I Corinthians 13 13 3/91 9/96
Ephesians 5-6 14 9/96 1/97
Philippians 71 3/91 6/93
II Timothy 20 1/88 8/88
Philemon 19 7/98 2/99
Revelation 62 5/89 6/98
"Considering the Church" 50 6/93 12/94
"Jesus and the Law" 9 6/86 10/86
Lectures 10 95 96
"New Heavens and a New Earth" 11 11/89 2/90
"Pattern of New Testament Authority" 9 9/93 12/93
"Sermon on the Mount" 68 10/85 11/90
"Suffering Servant of the Lord" 18 9/86 4/87
"The Bible and Calvinism" 8 10/87 12/87
"The History of Salvation" 27 2/90 2/91
"The Holy Spirit" 32 1/95 3/96
"The Life of Elijah" 22 2/88 9/88
"The Life of Elisha" 16 10/88 3/89
"The Lord of the Sabbath" 5 4/90 5/90
"The Lord's Supper" 11 1/94 2/96
"The Name of Jesus Christ" 9 12/86 4/87
To request tapes of these sermons or other subjects by the late Rev. Charles Dennison,
please contact
Tim Smolko with the series title and date range of sermons.
Each sermon will cost about $0.50; You will need to pay after you receive the tapes. Please
mention that you've visited TWO-AGE.ORG !

Grace OPC Tape Ministry
(412) 749-0942

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