Non-Reformed Recommended Resources

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Charles Kingsley Barrett

Raymond E. Brown

Millar Burrows

Brevard Springs Childs

Oscar Cullmann

Charles Harold Dodd

Floyd V. Filson

Leonhard Goppelt

Donald E. Gowan

Robert M. Grant

Gerhard F. Hasel

Morna D. Hooker

E. C. Hoskyns and Noel Davey

Werner Georg Kümmel

Andrew T. Lincoln

Norman Perrin

James D. Smart

Further Readings:

John Bright

Raymond E. Brown

Oscar Cullmann

C. H. Dodd

Joseph A. Fitzmyer

Morna D. Hooker

Chester K. Lehman

H. Wheeler Robinson

John R. Walters

G. Ernest Wright

Still Further Readings on Historic Biblical Theology:

James Barr, Biblical Words for Time (Studies in Biblical Theology, 33), S.C.M. Press, 1962.
John Wick Bowman, Prophetic Realism and the Gospel: A Preface to Biblical Theology, Westminster, 1955.
John Bright, Early Israel in Recent History Writing: A Study in Method (Studies in Biblical Theology, 19], S.C.M. Press, 1956.
Roland E. Clements, Prophecy and Covenant (Studies in Biblical Theology, 43), S.C.M. Press, 1965.
Oscar Cullmann, Baptism in the New Testament (Studies in Biblical Theology, 1), S.C.M. Press, 1951.
Walther Eichrodt, Man in the Old Testament (Studies in Biblical Theology, 4), S.C.M. Press, 1961.
Neal M. Flanagan, Salvation History: An Introduction to Biblical Theology, Sheed & Ward, 1964.
Anton Fridrichsen, The Root of the Vine: Essays in Biblical Theology, Dacre Press, 1053.
A. J. B. Higgins, The Lord's Supper in the New Testament (Studies in Biblical Theology, 7), S.C.M. Press, 1952.
Ernst Kasemann, Essays on New Testament Themes (Studies in Biblical Theology, 41), S.C.M. Press, 1964.
William McKane, Prophets and Wise Men (Studies in Biblical Theology, 44), S.C.M. Press, 1965.
John Reumann (ed.), The Promise and Practice of Biblical Theology, Fortress, 1991.
Eduard Schweizer, Lordship and Discipleship (Studies in Biblical Theology, 28), Alec R. Allenson, 1960.
Samuel L. Terrien, The Elusive Presence: Toward a New Biblical Theology, Harper & Row, 1978.
Eric Herbert Wahlstrom, God Who Redeems: Pespectives in Biblical Theology, Muhlenberg Press, 1962.
Jo Bailey Wells, God's Holy People: A Theme in Biblical Theology (JSOT Sup, 35), Sheffield Academic, 2000.
Walther Zimmerli & Jorg Jeremias, The Servant of God (Studies in Biblical Theology, 20), Alec R. Allenson, 1957.
Walther Zimmerli, Man and His Hope in the Old Testament (Studies in Biblical Theology II, 20), S.C.M. Press, 1971.

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