
Verse-by-Verse Commentaries:

Robert L. Hubbard Jr., The Book of Ruth (NICOT), Eerdmans, 1989.****
Jack M. Sasson, Ruth: A New Translation with a Philological Commentary and a Formalist-Folklorist Interpretation, Sheffield Academic,
____ 1989. ***1/2

Monographs, Compilations, and Studies:

Murray D. Gow, The Book of Ruth: Its Structure, Theme, and Purpose, Apollos, 1992.****
Morje C. A. Korpel, The Structure of the Book of Ruth, Van Gorcum, 1999.
Jacob M. Myers, The Linguistic and Literary Form of the Book of Ruth, Brill, 1955.
Jan de Waard, Handbook on the Book of Ruth, United Bible Society, 1992.

Articles and Essays:

Adele Berlin, "The Poetics of the Book of Ruth" in Poetics and the Interpretation of Biblical Narrative, chap. IV, Eisenbrauns, 1994: 83-110.
________ "Ruth: Big Theme, Little Book," Bible Review 12 (1996): 40-43, 47-48.
Stephen Bertman, "Symmetrical Design in the Book of Ruth," Journal of Biblical Literature 84 (1965): 165-168.
Harold Fisch, "Ruth and the Structure of Covenant History," Vetus Testamentum 32 (1982): 425-437.
Ernst R. Wendland, "Structural Symmetry and its Significance in the Book of Ruth" in Issues in Bible Translation (ed. P. C. Stine)
____ United Bible Societies Monograph Series, 3, United Bible Societies, 1988: 30-63.
Warren Austin Gage, "Ruth upon the Threshing Floor and the Sin of Gibeah: A Biblical-Theological Study," WTJ 51:2 (1989): 369-75.
Reg Grant, "Literary Structure in the Book of Ruth," BSac 148 (1991): 424-441.
Barbara Green, "The Plot of the Biblical Story of Ruth," Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 23 (1982): 55-68.
David M.Gunn, "A Son is born to Naomi!: Literary Allusions and Interpretation in the Book of Ruth," JSOT 40 (1988): 99-108.
Leif Hongisto, "Literary Structure and Theology in the Book of Ruth," Andrews University Seminary Studies 23 (1985): 19-28.
Stuart Jones, "The Redeemer of Ruth: Ruth 4:1-22," Kerux 3.3 (Dec 1988).
Pete Leithart
, "The Structure of Ruth," Biblical Horizons 45. ****
A. Boyd Luter Jr. and Richard O. Rigsby, "An Adjusted Symmetrical Structuring of Ruth,"
JETS 39 (1996): 15-28.
Eugene H. Merrill, "The Book of Ruth: Narration and Shared Themes," BSac 142 (1985): 130-141.
Johannes C. de Moor, "The Poetry of the Book of Ruth," Orientalia 53 (1984): 262-283; 55 (1986): 16-46. (two parts)
Donald Rauber, "Literary Values in the Bible: The Book of Ruth," Journal of Biblical Literature 89 (1970): 27-37.
Francis C. Rossow, "Literary Artistry in the Book of Ruth and its Theological Significance,"
Concordia Journal 17 (1991): 12-19.
Bryan Schroeder, "The Faith of a Foreigner: Ruth 1," Kerux 13.2 (Sept 1998).
Vincent Tollers, "Narrative Control in Ruth" in Mappings of the Biblical Terrain: The Bible as Text (ed. V. Tollers, et al), Bucknell University
____ Press, 1990: 252-259.

More Commentaries:

David Atkinson, The Message of Ruth: The Wings of Refuge (The Bible Speaks Today), Inter-Varsity, 1983.
Frederic W. Bush, Ruth & Esther, (Word Biblical Commentary), Word Books, 1996.
Edward F. Campbell, Ruth: An Introduction and Commentary (Anchor Bible), Doubleday, 1975.
Kirsten Nielsen, Ruth: A Commentary (OTL), Westminster, 1997.

More Monographs:

Martin R. DeHaan, The Romance of Redemption: Studies in the Book of Ruth, Kregel, 1996.
D. M. Gunn and D. N. Fewell (eds.), Compromising Redemption: Relating Characters in the Book of Ruth (Literary Currents in Biblical
____ Interpretation), Westminster, 1990.
Ronald Hals, The Theology of the Book of Ruth (Facet Books, 23), Fortress, 1969.

More Articles:

Moshe J. Bernstein, "Two Multivalent Readings in the Ruth Narrative," JSOT 50 (1991): 15-26.
Calum M. Carmichael, " 'Treading' in the Book of Ruth," ZAW 92 (1980): 248-266.
Gillian Feeley-Harnik, "Naomi and Ruth: Building up the House of David" in Text and Tradition: The Hebrew Bible and Folklore (ed. Susan
____ Niditch), Scholars Press, 1990: 163-191.
Harry J. Harm, "The Function of Double Entendre in Ruth Three,"
JOTT 7 (1995): 19-27.
Paul A. Kruger, "The Hem of Garment in Marriage: The Meaning of the Symbolic Gesture in Ruth 3:9 and Ezek 16:8," JNSL 12 (1984): 79-86.
Johannes C. de Moor, "The Poetry of the Book of Ruth," Orientalia 53 (1984): 262-283; 55 (1986): 16- 46. (two parts)
Willem St. Prinsloo, "The Theology of the Book of Ruth," VT 30 (1980): 330-341.
Basil Rebera, "Lexical Cohesion in Ruth: A Sample" in Perspectives in Language and Text (ed. E. W. Conrad and E. Newing), Eisenbrauns,
____ 1987: 123-149.
Claus Westermann and Frederick J. Gaiser (ed. & tr.), "Structure and Intention of the Book of Ruth," Word & World 19 (1999): 285-302.

Not Yet Reviewed:

Alexander Globe, "Folktale Form and National Theme, With Particular Reference to Ruth" in Approaches to Teaching the Hebrew Bible as
____ Literature in Translation (Approaches to Teaching World Literature, 25) ed. Barry N. Olshen and Yael S. Feldman, Modern Language
____ Association of America, 1989: 127-132.