I & II Peter

Verse-by-Verse Commentaries:

Paul J. Achtemeier, 1 Peter (Hermeneia), Fortress, 1996.
M. Eugene Boring, 1 Peter, Abingdon Press, 1999.
John H. Elliott, First Peter: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary (Anchor Bible, 37), Doubleday, 2001.
Leonhard Goppelt
, A Commentary on 1 Peter, Eerdmans, 1993. ****1/2
J. Ramsey Michaels, 1 Peter, (Word Biblical Commentary, 49), Word Books, 1988.
Peter Davids, 1st Peter (NICNT), Eerdmans, 1990.

Monographs, Compilations, and Studies:

Steven R. Bechtler, Following in His Steps: Suffering, Community, and Christology in 1 Peter (SBL Dissertation Series, 162), Scholars
____ Press, 1998.
J. Daryl Charles, Virtue Amidst Vice: The Catalog of Virtues in 2 Peter 1 (JSNT Supplement 150), Sheffield Academic, 1997.
Edmund Clowney
, The Message of 1 Peter: The Way of the Cross (The Bible Speaks Today), Inter Varsity, 1989. ****1/2
Dan G. McCartney, The Use of the Old Testament in the First Epistle of Peter, Westminster Theological Seminary Dissertation, 1989.
Sharon Clark Pearson, The Christological and Rhetorical Properties of 1 Peter (Studies in Bible and Early Christianity, 45), Edwin Mellen
____ Press, 2001.
Duane F. Watson, Invention, Arrangement, and Style: Rhetorical Criticism of Jude and 2 Peter (SBL Dissertation, 104), Scholars Press,
____ 1988.

Articles and Essays:

J. Daryl Charles, "The Language and Logic of Virtue in 2 Peter 1:5–7," Bulletin for Biblical Research 8 (1998): 55-73.
Floyd V. Filson, "Partakers with Christ. Suffering in First Peter," Interpretation 9 (1955): 400-412.
Dennis E. Johnson, "Fire in God’s House: Imagery from Malachi 3 in Peter’s Theology of Suffering (1 Pet 4:12-19)," JETS 29 (1986):
____ 285-294.
John Makujina, "The ‘Trouble’ With Lot In 2 Peter: Locating Peter’s Source For Lot’s Torment," WTJ 60 (1998): 255-269.
Troy W. Martin, "The Present Indicative in the Eschatological Statements of1 Pet 1:6, 8," JBL 111 (1992): 307-312.
Douglas A. Oss, "The Interpretation of the 'Stone' Passages by Peter and Paul: A Comparative Study," JETS 32 (1989): 181-200.
John Proctor, "Fire In God’s House: Influence of Malachi 3 in the NT," JETS 36 (1993): 9-14.
John W. Pryor, 1 Peter and the New Covenant," Reformed Theological Review 1 (1986): 1-3; 2 (1986): 44-50. (two parts)
E. G. Selwyn, "Eschatology in I Peter" in The Background of the New Testament and Its Eschatology, Cambridge University Press,
____ 1964, 374–401.
John Sherwood, "The Only Sure Word," Master's Seminary Journal 7 (1996): 53
John H. Skilton, "A Glance At Some Old Problems in First Peter," WTJ 58 (1996): 1-10.
Philip L. Tite, "The Compositional Function Of The Petrine Prescript: A Look At 1 Pet 1:1-3," JETS 39 (1996): 47-56.
Geerhardus Vos, "The Christian's Hope (1 Pet 1:3-5)" in Grace and Glory, Banner of Truth, 1994:139-154.
Al Wolters, " 'Partners of the Deity' : A Covenantal Reading of 2 Peter 1:4," Calvin Theological Journal 25 (1990): 28-44.

More Commentaries:

David L. Bartlett, "1 Peter" in The New Interpreter's Bible, vol. XII, Abingdon, 1998.
Ernest Best, 1 Peter (New Century), Eerdmans, 1982.
C. E. B. Cranfield, The First Epistle of Peter, SCM, 1950.
Paul E. Detering, "Exodus Motifs in 1 Peter,"
Concordia Journal 7.2 (1981): .
Wayne Grudem,
1 Peter (Tyndale), Eerdmans, 1988.
J. N. D. Kelly,
A Commentary on the Epistles of Peter and Jude, Baker, 1981.
Stephen W. Paine, "I and II Peter"
in The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, The Southwestern Company, 1968: 1441-1462.
Robert Mounce, A Living Hope: A Commentary on 1 & 2 Peter, Eerdmans, 1982.
Paige Patterson, A Pilgrim Priesthood, An Exposition of the First Epistle of Peter, Thomas Nelson, 1982.
Duane F. Watson, "2 Peter" in
The New Interpreter's Bible, vol. XII, Abingdon, 1998.

More Monographs:

William J. Dalton, Christ’s Proclamation to the Spirits: A Study of 1 Peter 3:18–4:6 (Analecta Biblica, 23), Biblical Institute, 1965.
Earl J. Richard, Reading 1 Peter, Jude, And 2 Peter : A Literary And Theological Commentary (Reading The New Testament Series),
____ Smyth & Helwys, 2000.
Troy W. Martin, Metaphor and Composition in 1 Peter (SBL Dissertation, 131), Scholars Press, 1992.
William Schutter, Hermeneutic and Composition in 1 Peter (WUNT second series, 30), J. C. B. Mohr, 1989.
John I. Snyder, The Promise of His Coming: The Eschatology of 2 Peter, Western Press, 1986.
Charles Talbert, Perspectives on First Peter (NABPR Special Studies Series, 9), Mercer, 1986.

More Articles:

Richard J. Bauckham, "James, 1 and 2 Peter, Jude," in It is Written: Scripture Citing Scripture: Essays in Honour of Barnabas Lindars,
____ (ed. D. A. Carson and H. G. M. Williamson), Cambridge University Press, 1988: 303–317.
Ernest Best, "Spiritual Sacrifice. General Priesthood in the New Testament." Interpretation14 (1960): 273- 299.
________ "1 Peter and the Gospel Tradition." NTS 16 (1969): 95–113.
O. S. Brooks, "1 Peter 3:21—The Clue to the Literary Structure of the Epistle." Novum Testamentum 16 (1974): 290-305.
H. J. Bernard Combrink, "The Structure of 1 Peter." Neotestamentica 9 (1975): 34-63.
Wayne Grudem, "Christ Preaching through Noah: 1 Peter 19-20 in Light of the Dominant Themes in Jewish Literature," Trinity Journal 7
____ (1986): 3-31.
Robert Gundry, “Verba Christi in 1 Peter: Their Implications Concerning the Authorship of 1 Peter and the Authenticity of the Gospel
____ Tradition." NTS 13 (1967): 336–350.
________ "Further Verba on Verba Christi in First Peter." Biblica 55 (1974): 211-232.
Randy Hall, "For to This You Have Been Called: The Cross and Suffering in 1 Peter." Restoration Quartarly 19 (1976): 137-147.
C. Norman Hillyer, "First Peter and the Feast of Tabernacles." Tyndale Bulletin 21 (1970): 39-70.
________ " 'Rock-Stone' Imagery in I Peter." Tyndale Bulletin 22 (1971): 58-81.
Frederick Howe, "Christ the Building Stone in Peter's Theology," BSac 157 (2000): 35-43.
________ "The Cross of Christ in Peter's Theology," BSac 157 (2000): 190-199.
Jerome H. Neyrey, "The Form and Background of the Polemic in 2 Peter," JBL 99 (1980): 407-431.
J. R. Ramsey, "Eschatology in 1 Peter 3:17," NTS 13 (1967): 394–401.
B. Russell, "Eschatology and Ethics in 1 Peter." Evangelical Quarterly 47 (1975): 78-84.
James R. Slaughter, "The Importance of Literary Argument for Understanding 1 Peter," BSac 152 (1995): 72-91.
Philip L. Tite, "The Compositional Function of the Petrine Prescript: A Look at 1 Pet 1:1-3," JETS 39 (1996): 47-56.


Dennis Sylva, "1 Peter Studies: The State of the Discipline," Biblical Theology Bulletin 10 (1980): 155-163.


John H. Elliott, The Elect and the Holy: An Exegetical Examination of 1 Peter 2:4–10 and the Phrase Basileion Hierateuma
____ (Novum Testamentum Supplement, 12) E. J. Brill, 1966.
________ A Home for the Homeless. A Sociological Exegesis of 1 Peter, Its Situation and Strategy, Fortress, 1981.

Not Yet Reviewed:

James M. Starr, Shares in Divine Nature:2 Peter 1:4 in Its Hellenistic Context (Coniectanea Biblica: New Testament Series, 33),
____ Almqvist & Wiksell, 2000.