Pauline Studies / Pauline Epistles


Charles Kingsley Barrett, From First Adam to Last, Adam and Charles Black, 1962.
Essays on Paul, Westminster, 1971.
Paul: An Introduction to His Thought (Outstanding Christian Thinkers), Geoffrey Chapman, 1994.
J. D. G. Dunn,
The Theology of Paul the Apostle, Eerdmans, 1998.
E. Earle Ellis, Pauline Theology, University Press of America, 1997.****1/2
Paul's Use of the Old Testament, Eerdmans, 1960.
Peter F. Ellis,
Seven Pauline Letters, Liturgical Press, 1982.
Richard B. Gaffin, Resurrection and Redemption: a Study in Paul's Soteriology, Presbyterian & Reformed, 1994.****1/2
Morna D. Hooker, From Adam to Christ, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Andrew T. Lincoln, Paradise Now and Not Yet: Studies in the Role of the Heavenly Dimension in Paul's Thought With Special
____ Reference to His Eschatology, Baker, 1992.****
Herman N. Ridderbos, Paul: An Outline of His Theology, Eerdmans, 1991.****1/2
Geerhardus Vos, The Pauline Eschatology, Presbyterian & Reformed, 2000.****1/2
Richard B. Hays,
Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul, Yale University Press, 1989.
Frank Thielman,
Paul and the Law, Inter Varsity, 1994.


William D. Dennison, "Indicative and Imperative: The Basic Structure of Pauline Ethics," Calvin Theological Journal 1 (1979), 55-78.
William Dumbrell, "Justification in Paul: A Covenantal Perspective," Reformed Theological Review 51 (1992): 91-101.
Richard B. Gaffin
, Jr., "The Usefulness of the Cross," WTJ 41 (1979): 228-246.
"Paul as Theologian," WTJ 30, 1968: .
Richard B. Hays, "Christ Prays the Psalms: Paul's Use of an Early Christian Exegetical Convention" in
The Future of Christology:
____ Essays in Honor of Leander E. Keck (ed. A. J. Malharbe and W. A. Meeks), Fortress 1993: 122-136.
Morna D. Hooker, "Interchange, 'In Christ,' and Ethics,"
JSNT 25 (1985): 3-17.
Schweizer, "Dying and Rising with Christ," NTS 14 (1967).

David M. Stanley, Christ's Resurrection in Pauline Soteriology (Analecta Biblica), Pontificio Insituto Biblico, 1961.

More Books:

Ernest Best, One Body in Christ, SPCK, 1955.
Gunther Bornkamm, Paul, Fortress, 1994.

Charles B. Cousar, A Theology of the Cross: The Death of Jesus in the Pauline Letters (Overtures to Biblical Theology), Fortress, 1990.
Thomas J. Deidun, New Covenant Morality in Paul (Analecta Biblica 89), Biblical Institute, 1981.
Jonas Holmstrand, Markers and Meaning in Paul: An Analysis of 1 Thessalonians, Philippians, and Galatians (Coniectanea Biblica, 28),
_____Almqvist & Wiksell, 1997.
M. D. Hooker and S. G. Wilson (eds.), Paul and Paulinism: Essays in Honour of C. K. Barrett, SPCK, 1982.
Ernst Käsemann, Perspectives on Paul, Fortress, 1971.
A. T. Lincoln and A. J. M. Wedderburn, Theology of the Later Pauline Epistles
, Cambridge, 1993.
J. Louis Martyn, Theological Issues in the Letters of Paul (Studies of the New Testament and Its World), T & T Clark, 1997.
C. Marvin Pate, The Glory of Adam and the Afflictions of the Righteous: Pauline Suffering in Context, Edwin Mellen, 1993.
Robert Tannehill, Dying and Rising with Christ, Alfred Topelmann, 1966.
Francis Watson, Paul, Judaism, and the Gentiles: A Sociological Approach, Cambridge University Press, 1986.
David John Williams, Paul's Metaphors: Their Context and Character, Hendrickson Publishers, 1999.
N. Thomas Wright,
Climax of the Covenant, Fortress, 1991.

More Articles:

E. Earle Ellis, "Paul and his Co-Workers," New Testament Studies 17 (1971): 437-452.
John D. Harvey, "The 'With Christ' Motif in Paul’s Thought," JETS 35 (1992): 329-340.
Douglas J. Moo, " 'Law,' 'Works of the Law,' and Legalism in Paul," WTJ 45 (1983): 73-100.

Still More Books:

J. Christiaan Beker, The Triumph of God: The Essence of Paul’s Thought, Fortress, 1990.
William D. Davies, Paul and Rabbinic Judaism: Some Rabbinic Elements in Pauline Theology, SPCK, 1948.
John A. T. Robinson, The Body: A Study in Pauline Theology, SCM, 1952.
E. P. Sanders, Paul and Palestinian Judaism: A Comparison of Patterns of Religion, Fortress, 1983.
Krister Stendahl, Paul Among Jews and Gentiles and Other Essays, SCM, 1977.

Still More Articles:

William W. Klein, "Paul’s Use of Kalein: A Proposal," JETS 27 (1984): 53-64.

Not Yet Reviewed:

J. W. Beavdean, Paul's Theology of Preaching, Mercer University Press, 1988.
Paul Wrightman, Paul's Early Letters: From Hope through Faith to Love, Alba House, 1983.
________ Paul's Later Letters: From Promise to Fulfillment, Alba House, 1984.

Not Yet Reviewed

Edward Adams, Constructing the World: A Study in Paul's Cosmological Language, T & T Clark, 2000.
William B. Barcley, Christ in You: A Study in Paul's Theology and Ethics, University Press of America, 1999.

Issues in Pauline Theology

The Law

J. D. G. Dunn (ed.), Paul and the Mosaic Law, Eerdmans, 2001. (compilation) ****
T. David Gordon, Paul's Understanding of the Law, Westminster Media, tape series.
Brice L. Martin, Christ and the Law in Paul (Novum Testamentum Supplements, 62), Brill Academic, 1989.
Frank Thielman, Paul and the Law: A Contextual Approach, Inter-Varsity, 1994.****1/2
N. T. Wright, The Climax of the Covenant: Christ and the Law in Pauline Theology, T & T Clark, 1991.****


William D. Davies, "Paul and the Law: Reflections on Pitfalls in Interpretation" in Paul and Paulism: Essays in Honour of C.K. Barrett (ed.
____ M. D. Hooker and S. G. Wilson), SPCK, 1982: 4-16.
J. D. G. Dunn, "The New Perspective on Paul: Paul and the Law" in The Romans Debate (ed. K. P. Donfried), T & T Clark, 1991: 299-308.
Thomas R. Schreiner, "The Abolition and Fulfillment of the Law in Paul," JSNT 35 (1989): 47-74.

More Books:

Hans Hubner, Law in Paul's Thought (Studies of the New Testament and Its World), T & T Clark, 2000.
E. P. Sanders, Paul, the Law, and the Jewish People, Fortress, 1983.
Michael Winger, By What Law?: The Meaning of Nomos in the Letters of Paul (SBL Dissertation), Society of Biblical Literature, 1992.

Not Yet Reviewed

Hilary B. P. Mijoga, The Pauline Notion of Deeds of the Law, International Scholars Publications,1999.
Birgitte Graakjær Hjort, The Irreversible Sequence: Paul's Ethics: Their Foundation and Present Relevance (Europäische Hochschulschriften,
_____ Reihe 23: Theologie, 673), Peter Lang, 2000.
Joseph Maleparampil, The «Trinitarian» Formulae in St. Paul: An Exegetical Investigation into the Meaning and Function of those Pauline
_____ Sayings which Compositely Make Mention of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit (Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe 23:
_____ Theologie, 546), Peter Lang, 1995.

Brad Eastman, The Significance of Grace in the Letters of Paul (Studies in Biblical Literature, 11), Peter Lang, 1999.