On Literary Criticism (Narratology, Rhetoric, Poetics . . .)
Jan P. Fokkelman, Reading Biblical Narrative: An Introductory Guide, Westminster John Knox,
1998. *** [Int/Beg; Main/Mod; Meth, Nar, Lit]
Tremper Longman III, Literary Approaches to Biblical
Interpretation (Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation),
Zondervan, 1987.
____ [Beg; Ev/Ref; Meth,
Lit] ***
Kenneth R. R. Gros Louis, et al (eds.), Literary
Interpretations of Biblical Narratives, Abingdon, 1974. (compilation)
________ Literary Interpretations of Biblical Narratives
II, Abingdon, 1982. (compilation)
More on Canonical Literary Criticism
Walter B. Crouch, Death
and Closure in Biblical Narrative (Studies in
Biblical Literature, 7), Peter Lang, 2000.
Mark Ellingsen, The Integrity of Biblical Narrative: Story in
Theology and Proclamation, Fortress, 1990. **
Leland Ryken and Tremper Longman III (eds.), A Complete
Literary Guide to the Bible, Zondervan, 1993. [Beg; Ev; Lit;
Meth] ***
Mark Allan Powell et al (eds.), The
Bible and Modern Literary Criticism: A
Critical Assessment and Annotated Bibliography
and Indexes in Religious Studies, 22), Greenwood Press,
Stephen Prickett, Reading the Text: Biblical Criticism and
Literary Theory, Blackwell, 1991.
S. E. Porter and T. H. Olbricht (eds.), The Rhetorical
Analysis of Scripture: Essays from the 1995 London Conference
(JSNT Supplement, 146),
____Sheffield Academic
Press, 1997. (compilation)
varying perspectives from radical post-modern
disinterest with the text except as an unblemished plot on which
to project its own political feces, to conservative evangelical
respect for the text as revelation.
Victor Wilson, Divine Symmetries: The Art of
Biblical Rhetoric, University Press of America, 1997.
conservative perspective; explores
the relationship of structure to meaning in the pattern of
selected units within ten Biblical books; offers an approach to
visualizing the shape of Scripture on the Bible's own terms; extensive
indexes and bibliography.
Not Yet Reviewed
D. F. Tolmie, Narratology and Biblical Narratives: A Practical Guide, International Scholars Publications, 1998.
Old Testament
On Literary Approaches to Old Testament Literature
Tremper Longman III, "The Literary Approach to the Study
of the Old Testament: Promise and Pitfalls," JETS
28 (1985): 385-398.
Cynthia L. Miller, "Discourse Functions of Quotative Frames
in Biblical Hebrew Narrative" in in Discourse Analysis
of Biblical Literature:
____ What it is and What it
Offers, (SBL Semeia Series) ed. W. R. Bodine, Scholars Press,
1995: 155-182.
On Old Testament Narratology / Narrative Criticism
Recommended Books:
Robert Alter, The Art of Biblical Narrative, Basic Books, 1983. **** [Int; Main/Mod; Lit, Meth, Nar]
________ The
World of Biblical Literature, Basic Books, 1992. *** [Int; Main; Lit,
Meth, Nar]
Yairah.Amit, Hidden Polemics in Biblical Narrative,
Brill Academic, 2000.
Shimon Bar-Efrat, Narrative Art in the Bible (JSOT Sup, 70), Sheffield Academic, 2000. ****1/2
[Adv; Jew/Ac; Lit, Meth, Nar]
Adele Berlin, Poetics and the Interpretation of Biblical Narrative, Eisenbrauns, 1994. **** [Int; Jew/Mod; Lit,
Meth, Nar]
Michael Fishbane, Biblical
Text and Texture: A Literary Reading of Selected
Texts, Schocken Books, 1998. *** [Int; Jew/Mod; Lit, Them]
Stephen A. Geller, Edward L. Greenstein, and Adele Berlin (eds.),
A Sense of Text: The Art of Language in the Study of Biblical
____(Jewish Quarterly
Review Supplement), Eisenbrauns, 1983. (compilation)
David M. Gunn and Danna Nolan Fewell, Narrative in the Hebrew
Bible, Oxford University Press, 1993. [Adv; Mod; Nar, Lit,
Meth] ***
Cynthia L. Miller, The Representation of Speech in Biblical
Hebrew Narrative: A Linguistic Analysis (Harvard Semitic
Monograph, 55),
Press, 1996.
Jean Louis Ska, "Our Fathers Have Told Us":
Introduction to the Analysis of Hebrew Narratives (Subsidia
Biblica, 13), Editrice Pontificio
____Istituto Biblico, 1990.
Meir Sternberg, The
Poetics of Biblical Narrative: Ideological
Literature and the Drama of Reading (Indiana Studies in
Biblical Literature),
____Indiana University Press, 1987.
**** [Adv; Jew/Mod; Meth, Nar, Ph]
Ellen van Wolde (ed.), Narrative Syntax and the Hebrew
Bible (Biblical Interpretation Series, 29), Brill Academic,
1997. (compilation) ***1/2
____[Adv; Main/Mod; Tec; Nar; Meth]
Recommended Articles:
Luis Alonso-Schökel, "Hermeneutical Problems of a
Literary Study of the Bible," Supplement to Vetus
Testamentum, xxviii (1975): 1-15.
Robert Alter, "A Literary Approach to the Bible," Commentary
60 (1975): 70-77.
________ "Bibical Narrative," Commentary 61 (1976):
Yairah Amit, "The Dual Causality Principle and its Effects
on Biblical Literature," Vetus Testamentum 37 (1987):
Shimon Bar-Efrat, "Some
Observations on the Analysis of Structure in Biblical
Narrative," Vetus Testamentum 30 (1980): 154-173.
Adele Berlin, "Lexical Cohesion and Biblical Interpretation,"
Hebrew Studies 30 (1989): 29-40.
________ "Literary Exegesis of Biblical Narrative: Between
Poetics and Hermeneutics" in 'Not in Heaven': Coherence
and Complexity in
____Biblical Narrative
(Indiana Studies in Biblical Literature) ed. J. Rosenblatt and J.
Sitterson, Indiana University Press, 1991: 120-128.
________ "On the Bible as Literature," Prooftexts
2 (1982): 323-327.
________ "Characterization in Biblical Barrative: David's
Wives" in Beyond Form Criticism: Essays in Old Testament
Literary Criticism
____ (Sources for Biblical and
Theological Study, 2), ed. P. R. House, Eisenbrauns, 1992: 219-233.
a summary of this article may be found in
the author's Poetics and Interpretation of Biblical Narrative,
Eisenbrauns, 1999, pp. 23-32.
David J. A. Clines, "Story and Poem: The Old Testament as
Literature and Scripture," Interpretation 34 (1980):
L. Helyer, "Hero and Heroine Narratives in the Old Testament,"
Southern Bapist Journal of Theology 2 (1988): .
James L. Kugel, "On the Bible and Literary Criticism," Prooftexts
1 (1981): 217-236.
Adele Berlin, "On the Use of Traditional Jewish Exegesis in the Modern Literary Study of the Bible" in Tehillah le-Moshe (ed. M. Cogan, et al), 1997: 173-183.
Not Yet Reviewed
On Old Testament Rhetoric
Dale Patrick and Allen Scult, Rhetoric and Biblical Interpretation (JSOT Sup, 82), Sheffield Academic, 1990. **** [Adv; Mod; Lit; Txt; Ling]
On Old Testament Poetics
Luis Alonso-Schökel, A Manual of Hebrew
Poetics (Subsidia Biblica, 11), Editrice Pontificio Istituto
Biblico, 2000. [Adv; Mod; Lit; Txt; Ling] ****
John W. Welch (ed.), Chiasmus in Antiquity: Structures,
Analyses, Exegesis, Research Press, 1999. [Int; Main/Mod;
Str] ****
More on Old Testament Literary Criticism
George W. Coats, Saga, Legend, Tale, Novella, Fable:
Narrative Forms in Old Testament Literature (JSOT Sup, 35),
Sheffield Academic, 1986.
Paul R. House, Beyond Form Criticism: Essays in Old Testament
Literary Criticism (Sources for Biblical and Theological
Study, 2),
____ Eisenbrauns, 1992. (compilation)
More Books on Old Testament Narratology:
Robert C. Culley, Studies in the Structure
of Hebrew Narrative, Fortress, 1976.*** [Adv; Main; Lit,
Meth, Nar]
________ Themes
and Variations: A Study of Action in Biblical
Narrative (SBL Semeia Studies), Scholars Press, 1992. ***
Tal Goldfajn, Word Order and Time in Biblical Hebrew
Narrative (Oxford Theological Monographs),
Clarendon Press, 1988.
David Jobling, The Sense of Biblical Narrative (JSOT Sup,
7 & 39) (2 vols.), Sheffield Academic, 1987. *** [Adv; Main (+);
Nar, Lit]
Martin Kessler (ed.), Voices from Amsterdam: A Modern
Tradition of Reading Biblical Narrative (SBL Semeia Series),
Scholars Press, 1994.
Pamela J. Milne, Vladimir
Propp and the Study of Structure in Hebrew Biblical
Narrative (Bible and Literature, 33), Almond Press, 1988.
Peter D. Miscall, The Workings of Old Testament Narrative (SBL Semeia Studies), Scholars Press, 1983. **
[Int; Main (+); Lit, Nar, Meth]
Jason P. Rosenblatt and Joseph C. Sitterson Jr. (eds.), Not
in Heaven: Coherence and Complexity in Biblical
Narrative (Indiana Studies
____in Biblical Literature), Indiana
University Press, 1991. (compilation) *** [Adv; Main; Lit, Ph,
George W. Savran, Telling and Retelling: Quotation in Biblical
Narrative (Indiana Studies in Biblical Narrative), Indiana
University Press, 1988.
Uriel Simon, Reading Prophetic Narratives (Indiana
Studies in Biblical Literature), Indiana University Press, 1997.
**** [Adv; Cath/Mod; Lit,
____Nar, Meth]
Steven Weitzman, Song and Story in Biblical Narrative: The
History of a Literary Convention in Ancient Israel (Indiana
Studies in Biblical
____Literature), Indiana University
Press, 1997. [Adv; Jew/Mod; Lit; Txt-Ling; Nar]
More Articles:
Zecharia Kallai "The Explicit and Implicit in Biblical
Narrative" in Congress Volume: Paris 1992 (Supplements
to Vetus Testamentum, 61), E. J. Brill,
____ 1995: 107-117.
Jonathan Magonet, "Character/Author/Reader: The Problem of
Perspective in Biblical Narrative" in Literary Structure
and Rhetorical Strategies
____ in the Hebrew Bible
(ed. L. J. de Regt and Jan de Waard, and J. P. Fokkelman),
Eisenbrauns, 1996: 3-13.
Not Yet Reviewed:
Yitshak Avishur, Studies in Biblical Narrative: Style,
Structure, and Ancient Near Eastern Literary Background,
Bibliotheca Persica Press, 1999.
Adele Reinhartz, Why Ask My Name? Anonymity and Identity in
Biblical Narrative, Oxford University Press, 1998.
Jerome T. Walsh, Style and Structure in Biblical Hebrew
Narrative, Liturgical, 2001.
More Books on Old Testament Rhetoric:
James Barr (ed.), Language and Meaning: Studies in Hebrew
Language and Biblical Exegesis (Oudtestamentische Studiën),
Brill Academic,
____ 1997. (compilation)
D. J. A. Clines, A. J. Hauser, and D. M. Gunn (eds.), Art and Meaning: Rhetoric in Biblical Literature (JSOT Sup, 144), Sheffield
(compilation) *** [Adv; Main/Mod; Lit, Ling]
L. J. de Regt, J. de Waard, and J. P.
Fokkelman (eds.), Literary Structure and Rhetorical Strategies in the Hebrew Bible, Eisenbrauns,
(compilation) *** [Adv; Main/Mod; Lit, Nar, Ling]
Not Yet Reviewed
Roland Meynet and Luc Racaut, Rhetorical Analysis: An Introduction to Biblical Rhetoric (JSOT Sup, 256), Sheffield Academic, 1999.
Henry Jansen, "Poetics and the Bible:
Facts and Biblical Hermeneutics," Neue Zeitschrift für
systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie
(1999): 22-38.
More Books on Old Testament Poetics
Stephen Prickett (ed.), Words
and the 'Word': Language, Poetics and Biblical
Interpretation, Cambridge University Press, 1986.
Luis Alonso Schökel, The Literary Language of
the Bible, D & F Scott, 1998. ***
New Testament
On New Testament Narratology / Narrative Criticism
Jack Dean Kingsbury
(ed.), Gospel Interpretation: Narrative-Critical and
Social-Scientific Approaches, Trinity Press International,
1997. (compilation)
Mark Allan Powell, What is Narrative Criticism? (Guides
to Biblical Scholarship), Fortress, 1991. ***1/2
Articles and Essays:
Johannes C. de Klerk, "The 'Literariness'
of the New Testament Gospels," Religion & Theology
4.3 (1997): 208-219.
________ "Situating Biblical Narrative Studies in
Literary Theory and Literary Approaches," Religion &
Theology 4.3 (1997): 190-207.
Robert C. Tannehill, "The Gospels and Narrative Literature"
in The New Interpreter's
Bible, vol. VIII, Abingdon, 1995.
On New Testament Rhetoric
Carl Joachim Classen, Rhetorical Criticism of the New
Testament (WUNT, 128), Mohr Siebeck, 2000.
George A. Kennedy, New Testament Interpretation and
Rhetorical Criticism, University of North Carolina Press,
1984. ***1/2 [Int; Mod; Txt; Ling]
S. E. Porter and D. A. Carson
(eds.), Linguistics and the New Testament: Critical Junctures,
Sheffield Academic Press, 1999. (compilation) ****
Duane F. Watson (ed.), Persuasive Artistry: Studies in New
Testament Rhetoric in Honor of George A. Kennedy (JSNT Sup,
Academic 1992. (compilation)
Not Yet Reviewed
C. Clifton Black, The Rhetoric of the Gospel: Theological
Artistry in the Gospels and Acts, Trinity Press
International, 2001.
Robert W. Funk, The Poetics of Biblical Narrative (Foundations
and Facets: Literary Facets), Polebridge Press, 1988.
On New Testament Poetics
John Breck, The Shape of Biblical Language, St.
Vladamir's Seminary Press, 1994. [Int; Ev; Str, Theo] ***1/2
Nils W. Lund, Chiasmus in the New Testament, Hendrickson,
Ronald E. Man, "The Value of Chiasm for New Testament Interpretation," Bibliotheca Sacra 141 (1984): 146-157.
More on New Testament Narrative Criticism
Mieke Bal (ed.) On Story-Telling: Essays in Narratology
Foundations and Facets (New Testament Literary Facets),
Polebridge, 1991.****
S. Hauerwas and L. G. Jones (eds.), Why Narrative? Readings
in Narrative Theology, Wipf & Stock, 1997. ***
More On New Testament Rhetoric
Stanley E. Porter (ed.), A
Handbook of Classical Rhetoric in the Hellenistic Period, 330 B.C.
- A.D. 400, Brill Academic, 1997. ****
Duane F. Watson and A. J. Hauser, Rhetorical
Criticism of the Bible: A Comprehensive Bibliography with Notes
on History & Method
Interpretation Series, 4), Brill Academic, 1994. (bibliography)
On Classical Rhetoric
G. A. Kennedy, A New History of Classical Rhetoric,
Princeton University Press, 1995. ****
Edward J. Corbett, Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student,
Oxford University Press, 1998. ****
R. A. Lanham, A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms, University
of California Press, 1991. ****
More on Narratology (general)
Erich Auerbach, Mimesis, Princeton University Press,
1968. ****
Mieke Bal, Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of
Narrative, University of Toronto Press, 1998.***
M. C. Parsons, "Reading a Beginning/Beginning a Reading:
Tracing Literery Theory on Narrative Openings," Semeia
52 (1990) 11-31.
Gerald Prince, Dictionary of Narratology, University of
Nebraska, 1985. ****
Claes Wahlin (ed.), Perspectives on Narratology: Papers from
the Stockholm Symposium on Narratology, Peter Lang, 1998.
Michael Kearns, Rhetorical Narratology (Stages Series,
16), University of Nebraska Press, 1999.****
Susana Onega (ed.) Narratology: An Introduction, Addison-Wesley Pub Co., 1996. ***
On Biblical Numerology
Oswald T. Allis, Bible
Numerics, Presbyterian & Reformed, 1961.
John James Davis, Biblical Numerology, Baker, 1995.
John James Davis, "The Rhetorical Use of Numbers in the
Old Testament," Grace Journal 8 (1967): 4048.
________ "Biblical Numerics," Grace Journal 5
(1964): 3044.
Pieter F. Craffert, "Relationships between Social-Scientific, Literary, and Rhetorical Interpretation of Texts," Biblical Theology Bulletin 26 (1996): 45-55.
Michael J. Toolan, Language in Literature: An Introduction
to Stylistics, Edward
Arnold, 1998.
________ Narrative: A Critical Linguistic Introduction,
Routledge, 1989.