
Verse-by-Verse Commentaries:

Jerome H. Neyrey, 2 Peter, Jude: A New Translation With Introduction and Commentary (Anchor Bible, 37C), Doubleday, 1993.
George Lawrence Lawlor, Translation and Exposition of the Epistle of Jude, Presbyterian & Reformed, 1972. ****
Duane F. Watson, "Jude" in
The New Interpreter's Bible, vol. XII, Abingdon, 1998.

Monographs, Compilations, and Studies:

J. Daryl Charles, Literary Strategy in the Epistle of Jude, University of Scranton Press, 1993. ****
Charles Landon, A Text-Critical Study of the Epistle of Jude, Sheffield Academic Press, 1996.
Duane Fredrick Watson, Invention, Arrangement and Style: Rhetorical Criticism of Jude and 2 Peter, Scholars Press, 1988.****

Articles and Essays:

J. Daryl Charles, "'Those' and 'These': The Use of the Old Testament in the Epistle of Jude." Journal for the Study of the New Testament 38
____ (1990): 109-24.
________ "Literary Artifice in the Epistle of Jude." Zeitschrif t fur die Neuentestamentliche Wissenschaff 82 (1991): 106-24.
________ "Jude's Use of Pseudepigraphal Source-Material as Part of a Literary Strategy." New Testament Studies 37 (1991): 130-45.
James T. Dennison, "What Should I Read on the Epistle of Jude?" Kerux 10 (May 1995): 25-31.
Jeffrey T. Reed and Ruth A. Reese, "Verbal Aspect, Discourse Prominence, and the Letter of Jude,"
Filologia Neotestamentaria 9 (1996):
____ 180-199.
E. R. Wendland, "A Comparative Study of Rhetorical Criticism, Ancient and Modern with Special Reference to the Larger Structure and
____ Function of the Epistle of Jude. " Neotestamentica 28 (1994): 193-228.

More Commentaries:

J. N. D. Kelly, Commentary on the Epistles of Peter and Jude (Black's), Hendrickson, 1991.
Douglas Moo, 2 Peter and Jude (NIV Application), Zondervan, 1996.

More Monographs:

Kenneth R. Lyle Jr., Ethical Admonition in the Epistle of Jude (Studies in Biblical Literature, 4), Peter Lang, 1998.

More Articles:

Carroll D. Osburn, "Discourse Analysis and Jewish Apocalyptic in the Epistle of Jude" in Linguistics and New Testament Interpretation:
____ Essays on Discourse Analysis (ed. D. A. Black, et al), Broadman Press, 1992: 287-319.