I & II Chronicles

Verse-by-Verse Commentaries:

Raymond B. Dillard, 2 Chronicles (Word), Word Books, 1988.
Richard L. Pratt, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Mentor, 1998.
John H. Sailhamer, First and Second Chronicles, Moody, 1981.
Michael Wilcock, The Message of Chronicles (The Bible Speaks Today), Inter Varsity, 1987.
Martin J. Selman, 1 Chronicles (Tyndale), Inter Varsity, 1994.
________ 2 Chronicles (Tyndale), Inter Varsity, 1994.

Monographs, Compilations, and Studies:

Jonathan E. Dyck, The Theocratic Ideology of the Chronicler, Brill Academic, 1998.
Matt Patrick Graham, et al (eds.), The Chronicler as Author: Studies in Text and Texture, Sheffield Academic, 1999.****
________ The Chronicler as Historian, Sheffield Academic, 1997.***

Articles and Essays:

Raymond B. Dillard, "The Chronicler's Solomon," WTJ 43 (1981): 213-246.
________ "Reward and Punishment in Chronicles: The Theology of Immediate Retribution," WTJ 46 (1984): 164-172.

More Commentaries:

Leslie C. Allen, 1 & 2 Chronicles (Mastering the Old Testament), Word Books, 1987.
________ "1 & 2 Chronicles" in The New Interpreter's Bible, vol. III, Abingdon, 1999.
Roddy Braun, I Chronicles (Word), Word Books, 1986.
Sara Japhet, I & II Chronicles (OTL), Westminster John Knox Press, 1993.
J. Gordon McConville, I and II Chronicles (Daily Study Bible), Westminster John Knox, 1984.
J. Barton Payne, "I and II Chronicles" in The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, The Southwestern Company, 1968.
J. A. Thompson, 1 & 2 Chronicles (New American Commentary), Broadman and Holman, 1994.
H. G. M. Williamson, 1 and 2 Chronicles (New Century), Eerdmans, 1982.

More Monographs:

Simon J. DeVries, 1 and 2 Chronicles (FOTL, 9), Eerdmans, 1989.
Sara Japhet, The Ideology of the Book of Chronicles and its Place in Biblical Thought (Beiträge zur Erforschung des Alten Testaments
____ und des Antiken Judentums, 9), Peter Lang, 1997. (revised edition)

More Articles:

William J. Dumbrell, "The Purpose of the Books of Chronicles," JETS (1984): 257-266.
Tamara Eskenazi, "A Literary Approach to Chronicles' Ark Narrative in 1 Chronicles 13-16" in Fortunate the Eyes That See (ed. A. Beck, et al),
____ Eerdmans, 1995: 258-274.

Mark A. Throntveit, "The Idealization of Solomon as the Glorification of God in the Chronicler's Royal Speeches and Royal Prayers" in The Age of Solomon
____ (ed. L. Handy), 1997: 411-427.