
Verse-by-Verse Commentaries:

Hans Conzelmann, Acts of the Apostles (Hermeneia), Fortress, 1987.
William Kurz,
Reading Luke-Acts: Dynamics of Biblical Narrative, Westminster John Knox, 1993.
George E. Ladd, "Acts" in
The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, The Southwestern Company, 1968.
Robert Tannehill, The Narrative Unity of Luke-Acts (vol. 2 of 2), Fortress, 1994.
Charles Talbert,
Reading Acts: A Literary and Theological Commentary, Smith & Helwys, 1999.

Monographs, Compilations, and Studies:

Robert L. Brawley, Text to Text Pours Forth Speech: Voices of Scripture in Luke-Acts (Indiana Studies in Biblical Literature), Indiana
____ University Press, 1995.
________ Centering on God: Method and Message in Luke-Acts, Westminster John Knox, 1995.
David Crump, Jesus the Intercessor : Prayer and Christology in Luke-Acts, Baker, 1999.
Martin Dibelius, Studies in the Acts of the Apostles, Sigler Press, 1999.
Richard B. Gaffin, Acts and Paul, Westminster Media, tape series.
John P. Heil, The Meal Scenes in Luke-Acts: An Audience-Oriented Approach (SBL Monograph, 52), SBL, 1999.
Colin J. Hemer, The Book of Acts in the Setting of Hellenistic History (WUNT ), Eisenbrauns, 1990.****
I. Howard Marshall, Witness to the Gospel: The Theology of Acts, Eerdmans, 1998.
________ Luke: Historian and Theologian (Gospel Profiles, 3), Inter Varsity, 1998.
John W. Mauck, Paul on Trial: The Book of Acts As a Defense of Christianity, Thomas Nelson, 2001.
Stanley Porter, The Paul of Acts: Essays in Literary Criticism, Rhetoric and Theology, J. C. B. Mohr, 1999.
William Shepherd, The Narrative Function of the Holy Spirit as a Character in Luke-Acts, SBL, 1994.
Marion L. Soards, The Speeches in Acts: Their Content, Context, and Concerns, Westminster John Knox, 1994.
Richard P. Thompson, Literary Studies in Luke-Acts, Mercer University Press, 1998. (compilation)
Charles Talbert (ed.), Perspectives on Luke-Acts, Mercer University Press, 1980. (compilation)
________ Luke Acts: New Perspectives from the Society of Biblical Literature Seminar, Crossroads, 1984.
Max Turner, Power from on High: The Spirit in Israel's Restoration and Witness in Luke-Acts, Sheffield Academic, 1996.
Delbert L. Wiens, Stephens Sermon and the Structure of Luke-Acts, D & F Scott, 1998.
Ben Witherington III, History, Literature, and Society in the Book of Acts, Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Articles and Essays:

Robert L. Brawley, "Paul in Acts: Aspects of Structure and Characterization" in Society of Biblical Literature: 1988 Seminar Papers
____ (ed. D. Lull): 90-105.
Alex T. M. Cheung, "A Narrative Analysis of Acts 14:27-15:35: Literary Shaping in Luke’s Account of the Jerusalem Council," WTJ 55
____ (1993): 137-155.
Warren Austin Gage, "The Gospel, Zion's Barren Woman, and the Ethiopian Eunuch," Crux 30 (1994): 35-43.
Richard B. Gaffin Jr. "The Whole Counsel of God and the Bible" in Book of Books (ed. J. White), Presbyterian & Reformed, 1976: 19-28.
________ "Pentacost Before and After: Acts 2," Kerux 10.2 (Sept 1995).
Dennis E. Johnson, "Jesus Against the Idols: The Use of Isaianic Servant Songs in the Missiology of Acts," WTJ 52 (1990) 343-353.
Eugene H. Merrill, "Paul’s Use of “About 450 Years” in Acts 13:20," BSac 138 (1981): 246-254.
Walter Bo Russell, "Anointing With The Holy Spirit In Luke-Acts," Trinity Journal (1986): 47-74.

More Commentaries:

Charles K. Barrett, A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles (ICC), T & T Clark, 1998. (two vols.) ****
F. F. Bruce, The Acts of the Apostles (NICNT), Eerdmans, 1990.
The Acts of the Apostles: Greek Text with Introduction and Commentary (NIGTC), Eerdmans, 1990.
J. D. G. Dunn,
Acts of the Apostles (Narrative Commentary Series), Trinity, 1997.
Joseph Fitzmyer, Acts of the Apostles (Anchor), Doubleday, 1998.
Richard Longnecker, Acts (Expositor's), Zondervan, 1995.

I. H. Marshall, The Acts of the Apostles (Tyndale), Eerdmans, 1980.
John B. Polhill, Acts (New American Commentary), Broadman, 1992.
Ben Witherington III, The Acts of the Apostles. A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary, Eerdmans, 1998.

More Monographs:

John T. Carroll, Response to the End of History: Eschatology and Situation in Luke-Acts (SBL Dissertation, 92), Scholars Press, 1988.
Dennis E. Johnson, The Message of Acts in the History of Redemption, Presbyterian & Reformed, 1997. **1/2
John C. Lentz, Luke's Portrait of Paul (SNTS Monograph, 77), Cambridge University Press, 1993.
David L. Matson, Household Conversion Narratives in Acts: Pattern and Interpretation (JSNT Sup, 123), Cornell University Press, 1996.
David W. Pao, Acts and the Isaianic New Exodus (WUNT II, 130), J. C. B. Mohr, 2000.
Stanley Porter, The Paul of Acts: Essays in Literary Criticism, Rhetoric and Theology, J. C. B. Mohr, 1999.
J. L. Ray, Narrative Irony in Luke-Acts: The Paradoxical Interaction of Prophetic Fulfillment and Jewish Rejection, Edwin Mellen, 1996.
Marion L. Soards, The Speeches in Acts: Their Content, Context, and Concerns, Westminster John Knox, 1994.
John T. Squires, The Plan of God in Luke-Acts, Cambridge University Press, 1993.
Jonathan M. Watt, Code-Switching in Luke-Acts (Berkley Insights in Linguistics and Semiotics, 31), Peter Lang, 1997.
Delbert Wiens, Stephen's Sermon and the Structure of Luke-Acts, Bibal Press, 1995.
Ben Witherington III, History, Literature, and Society in the Book of Acts, Cambridge University Press, 1996.

More Articles:

Tim Hawthorne, "A Discourse Analysis of Paul's Shipwreck: Acts 27:1-44," Journal of Translation and Textlinguistics 6.3 (1993): 253-273.
Rex A. Koivisto, "Stephen’s Speech: A Theology of Errors?" GTJ 8 (1987): 101-114.
J. Julius Scott, Jr., "Parties in the Church of Jerusalem as Seen in the Book of Acts," JETS 18 (1975): 217-227.
________ "Stephen's Defense and the World Mission of the People of God," JETS 21 (1978): 131-141.
T. C. Smith, "The Significance of the Stephen Episode in Acts" in Studies in Acts, Smyth and Helwys, 1991: 33-48.
Steve Walton, "Where does the Beginning of Acts End?" in The Unity of Luke-Acts (ed. J. Verheyden), 1999: 447-467.

William S. Kurz, "Effects of Variant Narrators in Acts 10-11," New Testament Studies 43 (1997): 570-586.
Roland Barthes, "The Structural Analysis of Narrative: Apropos of Acts 10-11" in The Semiotic Challenge, Univsersity of California Press, 1994: 217-245.

C. K. Barrett, "Paul's Address to the Ephesian Elders" in God's Christ and His People (ed. J. Jervell and W. A. Meeks), Universitetsferlaget, 1977: 107-121.
________ "Apollos and the Twelve Disciples of Ephesus" in The New Testament Age (ed. W. C. Weinrich), Mercer University Press, 1984: 22-39.
________ "Faith and Eschatology in Acts 3" in Glaube und Eschatologie (ed. E. Grässer and O. Merk), J. C. B. Mohr, 1985: 1-17.
________ "Paul Shipwrecked" in Scripture: Meaning and Method (ed. B. P. Thompson), Hull University Press, 1987: 51-64.

Craig L. Blomberg, "The Law in Luke-Acts," JSNT 22 (1984): 53-80.

Darrell L. Bock, Proclamation from Prophecy and Petter: Lucan Old Testament Christology (JSNT Supplement 12), JSOT Press, 1987.

Robert L. Brawley, "Paul in Acts: Aspects of Structure and Characterization" in SBL 1998 Seminar Papers (ed. D. J. Lull), Scholars Press, 1988: 90-105.

Introduction to Acts Studies:

Mark Allen Powell, What are They Saying About Acts, Paulist, 1992.****

Not Yet Reviewed

Earl Richards, Acts 6:1-8:4: The Author's Method of Composition (SBL Dissertation Series), Scholars Press, 1978.

Marianne Fournier, The Episode at Lystra: A Rhetorical and Semiotic Analysis of Acts 14:7-20a (American University Studies, Series 7: Theology and Religion, 197), Peter Lang, 1997.