A Special Bibliography for Genesis 1-11


Donald E. Gowan, From Eden To Babel: A Commentary on the Book of Genesis 1-11 (ITC), Eerdmans, 1988. ***1/2
Kenneth A. Matthews, Genesis 1-11:26 (New American Commentary, 1A), Broadman & Holman, 1996.****


Richard Hess, et al (eds.), "I Studied Inscriptions from Before the Flood" Ancient Near Eastern, Literary, and Linguistic Approaches to
____ Genesis 1-11 (Sources for Biblical And Theological Study Series, 4), Eisenbrauns, 1994.****
Bruce K. Waltke, Creation and Chaos, Western, 1974.


Thomas E. Boomershine, "Structure and Narrative Rhetoric in Genesis 2-3," SBL Abstracts (1978): 31-49.
David J. A. Clines, "Theme in Genesis 1-11," CBQ 38 (1976), 483-507.
Jack Collins, "Discourse Analysis and the Interpretation of Gen 2:4–7," WTJ 61 (1999) 269-274.
Robert C. Culley, "Action Sequences in Genesis 2-3," Semeia 18 (1980), 25-33.
Michael Fishbane, "Jeremiah IV 23-26 and Job III 3-13: A Recovered Use of  the Creation Pattern," Vetus Testamentum 21 (1971): 151-167.
Mark D. Futato, "Because It Had Rained: A Study of Gen 2:5-7 with Implications for Gen 2:4-25 and Gen 1:1-2:3," WTJ 60 (1998): 1-21.
Yehoshua Gitay, "Geography and Theology in the Biblical Narrative: the Question of Genesis 2-12" in Prophets and Paradigms
____ (JSOT Supplement, 229) ed. S. Reid, Sheffield Academic, 1996: 205-216.
P. J. Harland, "Vertical or Horizontal? The Sin of Babel," VT 48 (1998): 515-33.
Ian Hart, "Genesis 1:1-2:3 as a Prologue to the Book of Genesis," Tyndale Bulletin 46 (1995): 315-336.
Alan J. Hauser, "Genesis 2-3: The Theme of Intimacy and Alienation" in Art and Meaning: Rhetoric in Biblical Literature (JSOT Supplement, 19)
____ ed. D. J. A. Clines, D. M. Gunn and A. J. Hauser, Sheffield Academic, 1982: 20-36. ****
D. M. Hudson, "From Chaos to Cosmos: Sacred Space in Genesis," ZAW 108 (1996): 87-97.
Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., “The Literary Form of Genesis 1–11” in New Perspectives on the Old Testament (ed. J. B. Payne), Word Books, 1970.
________ "Linguistic and Thematic Links between Genesis 4:1-16 and Genesis 2-3," JETS 23 (1980): 297-305.
Stephen Kempf, "Introducing the Garden of Eden: The Structure and Function of Genesis 2:4b-7," JOTT 74 (1996): 33-53.
Isaac M. Kikawada, "A Quantitative Analysis of the 'Adam and Eve', 'Cain and Abel', and 'Noah' Stories" in Perspectives on Language and Text:
____Essays and Powems in Honor of F. I. Anderson's 60th Birthday (ed. E. Conrad and E. Newing), Eisenbrauns, 1987: 195-203.
________ "The Shape of Genesis 11:1-9" in Rhetorical Criticism: Essays in Honor of James Muilenburg (Pittsburgh Theological Monograph
____Series, 1) ed. J. Jackson and K. Martin, Pickwick Press, 1974: 18-32 .
Meredith G. Kline
, "Space and Time in the Genesis Cosmogony" Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 48 (1996): 2-15.
________ "Because It Had Not Rained," WTJ 20 (1958): 146-157.
________ "Divine Kingship and Gen. 6:1-4,” WTJ 24 (1961): 187-204.
________ "The Oracular Origin of the State" in Biblical and Near Eastern Studies: Essays in Honor of William Sanford LaSor (ed. G. A. Tuttle)
____ Eerdmans, 1978: 132-141.
________ "Primal Parousia," WTJ 40 (78): 245-280.
________ "Investiture with the Image of God," WTJ 40 (1977): 38-62.
________ "Creation in the Image of the Glory-Spirit," WTJ 39 (1976/77): 250-272.
Gary A. Herion, "Why God Rejected Cain's Offering: The Obvious Answer" in Fortunate the Eyes that See: Essays in Honor of David Noel
____ Freedman (ed. A. B. Beck, A. H. Bartelt, et al), Eerdmans, 1995: 52-65.
David Jobling, "A Structural Analysis of Genesis 2:46-3:24," SBL Abstracts (1978): 61-69.
Gerhard Larsson, "Chronological Parallels between the Creation and the Flood," VT 27 (l977): 490-92.
Jeong Woo (James) Lee, "A Glimmer of Hope: Genesis 5," Kerux 11.2 (Sept 1996).
Robert E. Longacre, "The Discourse Structure of the Flood Narrative," JAAR 47 SupB (1979): 89-133.
Daniel Patte and J. F. Parker, "A Structural Exegesis of Genesis 2 and 3" in Beyond Form Criticism: Essays in Old Testament Literary
____ Criticism (Sources for Biblical and Theological Study: Old Testament, 2) [ed. P. R. House], Eisenbrauns, 1992: 143-161.
Niek Poulssen, "Time and Place in Genesis V," Oudtestamentische Studiën 24 (1986): 21-33.
Allen P. Ross, "Studies in the Book of Genesis, Part 1: The Curse of Canaan," BSac 137 (1980): 223-237.
____ "Part 2: The Table of Nations in Genesis 10—Its Structure," 137 (1980): 340-350.
____ "Part 3: The Table of Nations in Genesis 10—Its Content," BSac 138 (1981): 22-31.
____ "Part 4: The Dispersion of the Nations in Genesis 11:1-9," BSac 138 (1981): 119-133.
Jack M. Sasson, "The 'Tower of Babel' as a Clue to the Redactional Structuring of the Primeval History (Gen 1-11:9)" in The Bible World: Essays
____ in Honor of Cyrus H. Gordon (ed. G. Rendsburg), KTAV 1980: 211-219.
Paul H. Seely, "The Geographical Meaning of 'Earth' and 'Seas' in Genesis 1:10," WTJ 59 (1997): 231-55.
Robert Starke, "The Tree of Life: Protological to Eschatological," Kerux 11 (Sept 1996): 15-31.
Willem Vangemeren, "The Sons Of God In Genesis 6:1-4: An Example of Evangelical Demythologization?" WTJ 43 (1981): 320-348.
Jerome T. Walsh, "Genesis 2:4b-3:24: A Synchronic Approach," JBL 96 (1977): 161-77.
Bruce K. Waltke, "The Creation Account in Genesis 1:1-3: The Theology of Genesis 1," BSac 132 (1975): 25-36; 136-144; 216-228; 327-342;
____ 133 (1976): 28-41. (five parts)
________ "Cain and His Offering," WTJ 48 (Fall 1986) 363-372.
Gordon J. Wenham, "Coherence of the Flood Narrative," Vetus Testamentum 28 (1978): 336-348.
Hugh C. White, "Direct and Third Person Discourse in the Narrative of the 'Fall'," SBL Abstracts (1978): 121-140.
Donald J. Wiseman, "Abraham in History and Tradition, Part I: Abraham the Hebrew," BSac 134 (1977): 123-130.
________ "Abraham in History and Tradition, Part II: Abraham the Prince," BSac 134 (1977): 228-237.
Ellen van Wolde, "The Story of Cain and Abel: A Narrative Study," JSOT 52 (1991): 25-41.

Optional Books:

William P. Brown, Structure, Role, and Ideology in the Hebrew and Greek Texts of Genesis 1:1-2:3 (SBL Dissertation Series, 132), Scholars
____ Press, 1993.
Isaac M. Kikawada and Arther Quinn, Before Abraham Was: The Unity of Genesis 1-11, Abingdon Press, 1985.***
Daniel Patte (ed.), Genesis 2 and 3: Kaleidoscopic Structural Readings: Semeia 18 (1980).
Ellen J. van Wolde, Words Become Worlds: Semantic Studies of Genesis 1-11, Brill Academic, 1994.
________ A Semiotic Analysis of Genesis 2-3: A Semiotic Theory and Method of Analysis Applied to the Story of the Garden of Eden
____ (Studia Semitica Neerlandica), Van Gorcum, 1989.