John F. Maile, "The Ascension in Luke-Acts," Tyndale Bulletin 37 (1986): 29-60. ****

Maile seeks to demonstrate three points relating to the ascension narratives in Luke-Acts: 1) They conform to the general resurrection / exaltation pattern of the rest of the New Testament in describing the final departure of the already-exalted Lord; 2) the "forty days" of post-resurrection ministry is a vehicle for conveying Luke's theology of continuity; and 3), bringing it together, the ascension was the confirmation of the exaltation of Christ and his present lordship, the explanation of the continuity between Jesus' ministry and the church's ministry, the culmination of the resurrection appearances, the prelude to the sending of the Spirit, the foundation of the Christian mission, and the pledge of the return of Christ.

Strong and suggestive on historia salutis issues.