Acknowledgements and Disclaimer's new recommended readings pages draw from five principal source lists--compiled by three O.P.C. pastors: Rev. Danny Olinger, Rev. Charles G. Dennison, and Rev. Lee Irons; one P.C.A. minister and seminary professor, Rev. James T. Dennison; and one textual specialist and seminary professor, Dr. Richard Gagnon--supplemented by the two-age staff's own recommendations. A number of Biblical-Theology-sensitive preachers and teachers have also contributed suggestions for single Biblical texts on which they have invested considerable research. Among the primary source lists there is generally a good deal of consensus among the contributors.

The purpose of the commentaries list is to provide students and pastors committed to the Biblical Theological endeavor a broad-based grouping of resources for exegetical-theological preaching and textual research. While the two-age staff is dedicated to the Reformed faith and to the Reformed church, our complete list of resources includes a number of "liberal" and critical commentaries, monographs, and articles. This is due in part to the shortage of scholarly work by Reformed theologians, and partly due to the helpful literary insights, structural analysis, and theological exegesis that certain critical scholars contribute to Biblical studies despite their presuppositions. And while we do not endorse the more radical critical conclusions to which these scholars often come, we do feel that many of the critical insights and penetrating exegeses they provide offer genuine assistance for students of the Scriptures with the Reformed and Biblical-Theological commitments.

For that reason, we have attempted to classify each recommended work according to a number of different criteria. But because the lines between conservative and radical scholarship are so often blurred, any broad theological categorization can, in the end, only provide a general feel for the theological orientation of a given work and its author. We therefore appeal to you to exercise utmost caution, always imperative when dealing with the Holy Scriptures, as you proceed. In other words, many of the views contained in the following readings do not necessarily accord with the views of